Classic Suite Overview

What does the Classic Suite do?
The CODie Classic Suite consists of 3 different programs which ensure best management of your vessels and shore offices.

Technical and Safety Management and Purchasing
ISMAN stands for Integrated Ship MANagement and has been the main module of our maritime software development since 1997. ISMAN is the core module of the CODieBOARD# isman-center which is a system for technical management, safety management (ISM/ ISPA) and purchasing.
Technical: In the ISMAN core module, all on-board equipment and installations, for which regular maintenance is essential, are displayed in a user-definable tree structure. A forecast of all planned maintenance jobs for any time period provides the ability to plan future necessary personnel or required spare parts in time.
Safety:The TIQUAM module takes care of the document flow between company and vessel. It can be used for electronic ISM, QM and circular letter distribution, as well as for handling electronic checklists or forms.
Purchasing: Finally, the ShipShop ordering module automatically handles and monitors orders, starting with the creation of the order aboard a vessel through to monitoring the invoice and delivery of goods by the purchase department of the shipping company.

Vessel Service Request System
What it does: Most ships operate 365 days a year on a 24/7 basis. Due to the nature of things, a lot of the vessel’s service requests need to be arranged by the shore office, from organizing divers, to coordination of regular surveys, visits of technicians and service companies, to re-approval of communication equipment and many other needs.
Why it is necessary: Supporting a single vessel or even a fleet requires a lot of coordination and documentation between the parties involved. After a service request is created onboard it might even be handled by several people in the shore office. They have to coordinate the availability of service personnel and suppliers in the next ports of call.
The CODieBOARD# support-center handles all these kinds of requests from onboard the ships and manages them in a centralized shore-side database to enable monitoring and reporting. Like the ticketing software used by mobile phone companies when you break your device and send it to be repaired, the CODieBOARD# support-center gives you an overview of all service requests, to coordinate your work force, track service time and to build up a knowledge database, reducing the duration of each process.
Once a support case is in the system it will be included in a knowledge database which is based on the experience of all its users. Communication like email is done straight out of the system and stays available for later reference. Each single support case displays its current status and necessary future steps.

Claims, Damages and Ship New Building
During the construction period of a new vessel, constant supervision by the superintendents in the on-site office, as well as in the head office, is essential. The ship new building module of our CODieBOARD# supervision-center provides a permanent overview of the status of the vessel under construction, including the plan approval phase, items to be rectified by the yard or suppliers, and the sea trial. Hence you will always be in the position to intervene in the construction process with well-founded arguments and evidences. The same applies to price negotiations.
Warranty Claims: After the newly built ship enters service, the remaining items can be worked on by the crew. In addition the warranty claims module assists in dealing, in time, with the yard and with suppliers on any new issues that arise.
Damage Management: The damage reporting module handles any vessel related damages, the associated repairs activities, material and man hour costs, as well as the invoicing of costs to involved third parties like stowaways or charterers.
Insurance Management: The insurance module covers all aspects of dealing with the various insurance companies from the shore-based office.
The analyzing of claim data will assist you in decision making, both for your new buildings and the fleet in operation, reducing your costs and increasing your company’s efficiency.