5. May 2015

New Study: Hacking danger for ships and harbours

Two U.S. universities organized a major maritime cyber security event and had 50 big players of the maritime industry analyzed by the security company CyberKeel. The Danish security company discovered that 37% of Microsoft Web Servers had not been patched in time and could have been easily hacked. The magazine Splash 24/7 interviewed CyberKeel and learned that vulnerable […]
2. March 2015

Maritime IT standardization and business integration (2)

Smart integration of the ships and remote access to the vessels’ assets ends one of the main problems of IT in maritime businesses – doubled (“redundant”) data. There are opportunities to save money when transmitting data, especially when considering the rise of Inmarsat’s pay-as-you-go offer. But the root cause for high communication costs remains, as much data is […]