15. February 2017

What’s in it for the crew? The current market situation analysed.

Forecast 2017: Rising Maintenance and Crew Costs The international shipping consultant Moore Stephens is expecting 2017 to be a very expensive year for ship owners and managers. The costs of operation are expected to rise across the board, for all vessel types. Container ship managers will see the highest anticipated rise at 3.4%, compared to other main vessel […]
6. February 2017

How to Become a Dynamic Positioning Operator With an Unlimited Certificate

The energy companies have stopped many offshore projects, where DP operators were needed due to the global oil crisis. Thus, finding a vacancy is nowadays rather complicated, despite the expanding gas carrier market (VLGC). However, you may feel it is the right time to invest in training for a new qualification. There are still rigs out there which […]
7. December 2016

Challenges of IMO’S Global Sulfur Cap – An Analysis

This article tries to break down some of the challenges of the 2020 sulfur cap which lay ahead. It cannot provide a complete list of all possible challenges, but will try to inspire your thoughts.   How was the sulfur cap of 0.5% legalized? As most people are aware, the IMO voted in its 70th session of the […]
5. October 2016

Latest Software Highlights of our new Ship Management Software

Due to this year’s SMM trade show being the most successful of recent time, CODie’s SMM Team was very satisfied at the close of the exhibition. The audience welcomed the new features of CODie’s maritime-management-center (MMC), a software suited to manage the vessels and the shipping company. New Software Highlights of CODieBOARD# maritime-management-center   The new PMS functionality For […]
31. August 2016

New article featured in Marine Log – Ship Breaking

We are proud to present our latest published article. This time we joint with the awesome people from the magazine “Marine Log”, to write an outstanding article dealing with the ship breaking issue. We compare ship lay-up with ship breaking and try to help determining which is better when. Few companies do really great these days, for many […]
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